Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another day, another dollar

As they say, another day, another peso. I get up very early in the morning, sit at my desk, and trawl the internet to see what is going on. Today, I happened upon Anderson Cooper's interview with Nir Rosen about his tweets on Lara Logan. Now - this is a clear example of why one should not tweet late at night after a couple of Jack Daniels. Mr. Rosen has had to eat massive amounts of humble pie and basically shat on eight years of work. It would seem to me that common sense should have prevailed, Nir. Don't tweet shite before you know the details. He claims he didn't know she had been sexually attacked, but linked the CBS report, which clearly states it was the case. Mate, you look like a bitter hack. Not a good look. Lesson learned: Think before you tweet. Que pendejo el tipo.

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