Friday, March 25, 2011


Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.

Warren Buffet

Sometimes in life, there rises before you a Rubicon. It takes strength and grace to start to cross it when it becomes clear that you have to leap. Without a clear safety net. You just hope that before you hit the ground, your feet come down from under you and you hit it running. There is a fear that impulses and fuels the move. Shut your eyes, leap and feel the abyss. (Some might call this marriage.) I had a guru when I lived in London. She had run with Andy Warhol, or so she said. She had this way of viewing risk, which I thought very interesting, apart from pretty visual. Risk is like being pushed into crossing a desert. Many stay behind and refuse to venture out into that dry, sandy unknown. Those that do dare start walking do so alone, trudging through that quagmire of confusion and apprehension. They feel there is no one else out there. No kindred spirit. But, come the half way mark, they start seeing shadows at their side. Closer to the finish line, they start identifying fellow travelers. Those souls that also dared. Upon the finish line, they come to understand that they have just become members of a very special tribe. Los Cojonudos.

Take a risk. Flaunt the norm. Settling for the ordinary is boring.

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